The 4 main changes in the marketing and sales market in 2021

In the corporate world, the health crisis caused by. The new coronavirus has been positioned as one of the greatest challenges of recent times , mainly due to its ability to generate rapid and profound changes in the market . In fact, the coronavirus has affected people’s behavior and purchasing habits. As a consequence, organizations have had to implement emerging. Measures to curb the impacts of COVID-19 on results and, thus, guarantee their survival in the market.

What happened to the market in

Throughout 2020, many companies have suffered email contact list quite significant economic and financial losses. Among the segments that have felt the devastating effects of social isolation the most, we highlight the sectors of tourism, hospitality and entertainment. However, some sectors have experienced surprising and very positive results, exactly due to changes in the consumption mechanism, as in the case of hygiene and cleaning companies, streaming -on demand- and technology. Given the current context.

Sudden digital transformation

Thanks to technological advances, it has been possible BTC Email List to work remotely. Thus avoiding traveling and going to the office. Indeed, perspectives on teleworking are variable. While some specialists believe that it has improved the quality of life of professionals, others claim that the model extends the working day and reduces the probability of achieving better positions. That said, it is possible to verify that the health crisis has moved the market floor in 2020, causing organizations to leave their comfort zone and incorporate more effective and promising solutions, processes and business models.

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