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Today, on the websites of the largest brands, you can find a “social responsibility” section. Company representatives know that this is what the public expects. Research also shows that most people are willing to pay extra if the product is advertise as ecological or compatible with nature. This means that individual activities in the area of ​​Corporate Social Responsibility can also translate into profits and sales support . It is a myth that companies only lose out by introducing more sustainable, more expensive solutions. Do you want to start working in the areas of CSR.

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Take advantage of the experts’ experience and do it perfectly. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you CSR areas – definition Today, every company should take care of the environment in which it operates. Thanks to this, it not only works pro-ecologically, but also gains in the eyes of the public. It has become a kind of duty. What is CSR? In English, Corporate phone number list Social Responsibility, which loosely translates into corporate social responsibility. In order to thoroughly understand and define the CSR areas, the definition of CSR should be explaine. According to Marek Grzybowski in “Social Responsible Company.

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As Well As For Thousands Of People

Philosophy of the XXI enterprise” is “ an element conducive to achieving the economic goals of the company and consisting in caring for positive relations among those groups that can affect business success.” What groups can these be? Not only consumers themselves, but also stakeholders, suppliers, competitors, etc. In short, it can be BTC Email List said that corporate social responsibility refers to social, economic and ecological aspects. The above-mentione areas according to the ISO 26000 standard are very extensive and explain in detail the spheres of socially responsible activities of enterprises. However, it is worth looking at other opinions and perspectives of scientists who also trie to define the areas of CSR.

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