Phrases on the first page of the ranking

Case study filtrybb Case study kompressi. Positioning of stores on PrestaShop and on other platforms differences Positioning of stores operating on PrestaShop is our daily bread. We are currently optimizing over e commerce sites from this platform, and in our almost year history, we have record many successes in the field of positioning on Prest. Today we want to share with you three SEO case studies of stores bas on this technology. Case study Case study SEO Prestashop bilibike We have been cooperating with since May , jointly building the visibility of the website for phrases with the greatest potential.

When we start the site was display

For phrases in the TOP  and only of them appear in the top three search results. This means that organic traffic to the site exist, although it was relatively small. So we took action on various fronts technical optimization of the website, adding content and Samoa Business Email List external linking help us to achieve significant increases after a year. Currently, the number of phrases in the top positions is as follows TOP phrases, TOP phrases, TOP phrases. This is an increase of in the case of TOP and as much as in the case of TOP. However, we know that the site still has the potential to gain even better results, which is why we do not lay down our arms and together.

B2B Email List

With the client we are fighting to

Get even stronger at the top of the search results. The average cost of positioning this website is PLN , per month. Case study Case study SEO Prestashop filtersbb Let s take a look at the results of our other client Here we will present a similar period as in the previous example, which is about the last year. In October , the website was already well visible in Google phrases in TOP and phrases in TOP this was our starting point in this case. This is a very good foundation for building visibility in search results, which we tri to BTC Email List use in one hundr percent. In October this year, the results reach phrases in the top three.

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