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We meet the hero at a time when his day is bad, and at best simply ordinary. The deeper we go into the story, the more things fall apart. What’s more, we have no guarantee that the hero’s adventures will have a happy ending. Who watch The Walking Dead knows what I’m talking about. A swing of emotions, i.e. ups and downs. We don’t know what to expect, or whether the hero is getting closer to a specific goal. An example of such a story is the series The Mentalist. Who is R John Has the hero ever met him Does he even exist. Creation of the world a classic. The hero grows up in poverty, and then his life changes for the better thanks to gods, rulers, talent or.

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Charm as it was in the Oscar winning The Favorite. Deluge Old Testament. Everything goes for the better, but in the end the gods get angry with the hero and he suffers defeat, after which he returns to his poor beginnings. Cinderella New UK Business Email List Testament scheme similar to the Old Testament. The difference, however, is in the ending. In this version, the hero rises after the defeat, comes out of the hole and continues to shine in the sky for the rest of his life. The most famous example of such a story is Cinderella. contemporary shapes In , five scientists from the University of Vermont’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics participat in Project Gutenberg.

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It consist in digitizing works of world literature. Using the honometer, a tool us to analyze happiness in individual pieces of content, they analyz almost two thousand books. The result of this research is charts very similar to those creat by Kurt Vonnegut. This result in modern story shapes, which are describ in The Emotional Arcs of Stories Are Dominat By Six Basic Shapes. From beggar to millionaire or in other words from rags to riches. The hero begins his BTC Email List journey at the bottom. Over time, he climbs up until he finally reaches the desir goal. A similar shape according to Vonnegut’s categories is the creation of the world.

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