Digital Marketing Strategy, as you will see throughout the article

  A blog, along with a website, plays a central role in a company’s Digital Marketing Strategy, as it is essential for attracting qualified and free traffic to your website. However, when creating a blog, you should bear in mind that it is extremely important to create relevant and attractive content for your audience. The …

Local Accommodation: How can technology help this new business area?

17 NOV 2019 · INTERNETCOMMENT Accommodation patterns are changing more and more. Tourists are moving away from large hotels and travel agency package deals to personalized, better-priced, and personal solutions. 77,000 registered establishments of this nature in 2018. While the accommodation options offered by this option are simple and straightforward, the problems arise when it …

WhatsApp has a new alert function for account theft

19 NOV 2019 · INTERNET4 COMMENTS Security is essential in any digital service. In the case of communication platforms, it is even more critical, as someone could impersonate us. To improve the security of its service, WhatsApp will have a new feature to protect against account theft. Here’s how it will work. WhatsApp has a …

private sector defense contracts

Robotics will further reduce our dependence on labor. Robots are already replacing humans in many shipping tasks. For example, Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) is using underwater robots to clean ship hulls . These robots can work in harsh conditions. Robots can work underwater more efficiently than people. It also helps reduce environmental damage during cleaning. …