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The benefit is obvious – the more convenient it is for a person to be servdon some non-banking issues that require payment or receipt of money the higher the chances that he will apply for financial products to the same organization. As a result the bank significantly expands its client base receives commission income and launches new products. Of course the business idea for the development of additional services arose even before the appearance of ESIA. The fact is that regulators the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the Federal Financial Monitoring Service etc. have been working for many years to involve banks in the processes of supervision over the purity of financial transactions.

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For example to check whether a person is includdin one or another list of terrorists how dubious his operations are where he is registerdif he is not an individual whether his legal address matches the actual one whether he owns business structures in offshore zones then there are aspects that the bank in general could not study in such detail. And since credit Cambodia Email List institutions have to deal with such issues – infiltrate into the life of a client then an attempt to find business opportunities in this seems logical. If you have to check SNILS accumulate this information then why not provide the services of the Pension Fund on its territory. The role of the ESIA is that it stimulatdthis process. The second factor is that it is important for the bank to be able to assess the solvency of the borrower.

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The ESIA expands these opportunities for example through the system you can receive extracts from the FIU and very soon – -NDFL certificates. The project carridout by our company at Post Bank PJSC was to introduce a system for preparing and issuing reports for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. For two years this is how long the project BTC Email List lastdin this credit institution the development team introducdnew reporting forms and verification reports. The new solution was supposdto reduce the regulatory and operational risks of a financial institution reduce the load on the core banking system and other IT systems of the bank and optimize business processes.

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