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Calculation tab The Calculation tab is intenddfor setting the parameters by which the amounts of the chart entries are calculatdand selecting the calculation algorithm by type of debt by tariff by formula by user procedure. Let us dwell in more detail on each of the possible options Fig. Fig _Calculation Rice. Calculation tab Calculation of amounts by type of debt. The schedule is calculatdaccording to the algorithm configurdfor the specifidtype of debt taking into account the settings for this type of debt as well as the type of operation and frequency defindfor this calculation option. The only limitation for this calculation algorithm is the inability to select the type of debt the calculation algorithm of which is defindin the system as from the schedule.

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This means that for example if we calculate the type of debt Interest at the rate Interest on principal which is calculatdFrom the schedule = Interest repayment schedule then when setting the Interest repayment schedule it will not be possible to calculate it select the type of debt Interest. Calculation of amounts according to the tariff. For each type Botswana Email List of tariff the system has its own algorithm which takes into account the frequency of the schedule formation. There is also a limitation here: this algorithm does not allow you to select the type of rate that is usdto calculate the type of debt in the operation configurdfor the current object if it is calculatdusing the from the schedule algorithm and the type of the current schedule is specifidfor it.

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This wording which is not easy to understand means that for example if we calculate. The type of debt Interest at the rate Interest on the principal debt which is calculate. From the schedule Interest repayment BTC Email List schedule then when setting the Interest repayment schedule for it will not be possible to select the type of tariff Interest on the principal debt. In the case when the tariff of the type Interest for the period is specifidthe calculation is made for the payment periods of the schedule.

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