Continuously & Consistently Improving Yourself

One of the most interesting concepts known as Kaizen, comes from Japanese culture.

If translated, Kaizen means “changing for the better”

Many people see this as a productivity strategy, but in my personal opinion, it is more of a philosophy where we continuously improve our approach and system in improving ourselves.

Learning is a process, not a race.

Kaizen philosophy is often used in most factory organizations to improve their management and operations.

Identify. Identify what we want to change and make improvements. Then, draw conclusions about the

In fact people who practice kaizen philosophy do not believe

Making that change is difficult.

Try to imagine making a big change with the Latest Mailing Database goal of achieving perfection – it just makes it that much harder.

A better approach is to focus on small progress and, repeat the process.

It is one of the strategies of doing continuous improvement.

It wants to get better over time.

The Kaizen approach reminds that all improvements should be sustained if we want to get consistent results.

Think of the small steps we can take each day that will take us incrementally towards our goals.

Being 1% better every day is a simple and practical way to achieve big goals.

Yes, 1% does seem like a lot.

It’s small. It’s easy. It can be done.

— It’s something we can easily swallow.

And it applies to most things we want to do or achieve.

It reduces fear and is easier to manage.

It may feel less exciting than making big changes but the results will be stronger

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Self-improvement is something that has BTC Email List no end. It’s a Lifelong Process
We will never finish.

Even if we have achieved some success, and want to maintain it – we still need to keep doing the things that made us successful.

The first step to improve our lives and be better than before will not be something easy.

No one can promise us that this will be easy but it will pay off.

There is a price to pay for every action and outcome we want.

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