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Search trends and user behavior are constantly evolving, so keyword research should be an ongoing process. By regularly conducting keyword research and updating your content to reflect the latest search trends, you can stay ahead of the curve in your industry and maintain your position as a thought leader.

Simply identifying target keywords and subtopics is only half the battle. To create truly effective content, you need to get inside your audience’s head and understand why they search.

Here we will give an example of the topic ‘adventure travel’. At first glance, this seems like a simple topic with many subtopics to explore. But analyzing search intent can help you understand the nuances of what your audience is looking for.

Analyze search intent for each keyword/keyword phrase

You may have discovered that a significant portion of your audience is searching for “adventure phone lists destinations.” This means people are looking for specific places they want to visit, and you can explore whole new subtopics, from the best hiking trails in Patagonia to the best surfing spots in Bali.

Another search intent could be different types of outbound calling laws adventure travel. During my keyword research, I already found the subtopic on Wikipedia.

On the other hand, you may also find many people searching for “adventure travel tips.” In this case, you may want to create content that focuses on practical advice for planning and executing an adventure trip, such as packing lists, budgeting tips, and safety considerations

Linked to business goals

Paste your keyword phrase into the Answerthepublic and Ranktracker keyword tools to see BTC Email List some more content ideas for travel tips.

You can also analyze search intent to understand where users are in their buying journey.

For example, someone searching for ‘best adventure travel backpack’ is likely in the consideration stage, while someone searching for ‘book an adventure travel tour’ is likely in the decision stage.

Understanding these differences can help you tailor your content to your users’ needs and guide them further down the funnel.

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