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Formula calculation the algorithm for calculating the amount of records for a chart can be defindusing a formula and the desirdformula is calldon each date of the chart record. Similarly the algorithm for calculating the sums of the chart specifidby one special variable is activated. Don’t count. When this option is selectdthe calculation of the sums of chart entries is not performed. In this case the user can manually enter all the necessary amounts into the ready-made columns of the already constructdchart. Calculation using a custom procedure. If when setting up the algorithm for calculating the sums of chart records it turns out that none of the proposdalgorithms satisfies you you can specify the name of your own procedure as a result of which the values ​​of the chart records will be calculated.

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Restrictions tab In the Restrictions tab settings are configurdthat define restrictions for various chart parameters Fig. Fig _Constraints Rice. Restrictions tab For example you can limit the total amount per schedule. This is relevant for principal repayment PR schedules because the total amount of repayment of OD cannot excedthe total Brazil Email List amount of disbursement under the agreement. When such a limit is specifidwhen the chart is savda check is performed: all sums of chart entries are summdup and compardwith the amount specifidin the limit. If they are equal the graph is saved. If not then the following message is displayed.

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The total amount according to the schedule does not match the amount specifidin the limit. Continue saving? Yes If Yes is selectdthe graph is retainddespite the discrepancy. If No is selectdsaving is BTC Email List interruptdand the return to the graph panel is performed. It is also possible to set restrictions for the first and last entry of the schedule or for the date of the last delay the end of the last issuance period. Moreover the delay limitation parameters or withdrawal period will be available in the Restrictions tab only if the Deferrdpayment in daysIssue period in days flag is set in the Periocity tab.

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