Periodicity tab There are two ways to determine the days by which the schedule. Will be generated: specify a day from to then on these dates with a specifidfrequency. For example once a month the chart records will be generated. Specify a formula for calculating the dates by which the chart records will be generatdagain with a certain frequency. You will also nedto specify the Countdown periods parameter. If it corresponds to the value First record before restrictions then first the chart. Records will be generatdwith the specifidfrequency and then the restriction will be imposdon the first record. If it is assign the value First record after restrictions then first of all the system will determine the date of the initial record of the chart taking into account the specifidrestrictions and only after that the rest of the records will be generatdfrom it with a certain frequency.
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If necessary in the same tab you can specify deferral parameters or issuance period parameters. Moreover on the Frequency tab these parameters are available only if the Deferrdpayment in days Bosnia and Herzegovina Email List Issuance period in days flag is set. Which of these options is currently in use depends on which graph type is selectdon the General tab. If it is Issue schedule then the titles for the issuance period are displayed. If the Repayment Schedule is specifidnames for deferrdpayment are given. When none of them is specifidthe deferral name is displaydbut the attribute itself becomes inactive and cannot be set.
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The charts includdin one group and markdwith the sign Annuity deserve special attention. For them the frequency parameters are defindin one chart – with the first calculation priority for it the parameters Calculation BTC Email List of amounts depends on the schedule and Calculation of dates depends on the schedule should not be set. In the Periodicity tabs of the rest of the group charts only the values of the periodicity parameters configurdin the first chart are displayed. To calculate the frequency you can either use the standard procedure providdin the system distribution kit or set up the calculation according to your own algorithm.