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Equipment is installd that maintains the microclimate. Electronics should not be exposd to high temperature or humidity. This reduces the life of the equipment. Server room installation For the correct placement of server equipment and operation under the recommendd conditions installation work is carrid out. Changes largely depend on the state of the premises the tasks set. Most often performd leveling the floor and walls; waterproofing and preparation for finishing; installation of ventilation and climate equipment; finishing with selectd materials; installation of racks and other fastening structures. When contacting a company that installs server hardware the work is carrid out taking into account the previously developd plan and estimate.

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Rack settings A loadbearing structure is requird to accommodate all selectd equipment. The rack is responsible for fixing and the correct arrangement of all elements. There are many different rack options. Most Fiji Email List often a metal profile is usd in combination with sheet material but there are other solutions so the choice will not be difficult. The main requirements are relatd to the reliability and stability of the structure. In some cases a material is usd that drains static current. Equipment installation The server is representd by a combination of different modules. After their selection all elements are installd in their places.

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Key features a secure fixation is required; elements are placd so that there are no difficulties with the connection; it is possible to increase productivity by adding extensions. At the stage of installation of equipment BTC Email List you ned to be careful. Server modules are often representd by chips and boards. They are brittle and break under light pressure. Connection and marking For connection wires with appropriate connectors are usd. When marking can be usd selfadhesive labels; thermal labels; vinyl tapes; cable ties with tags. Any server is labeld from the front and back. This allows you to identify the desird side.

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