what are they and how to use them

From the users’ perspective, SERPs serve to provide them with a wide range of pages. Therefore, with valuable information about the keyword used in the search. In addition to being convenient to find the content you need as soon as the. Therefore, keyword is entered in a search engine such as Google or Bing, quickly accessing the information allows you to make an urgent decision with greater precision and effectiveness.


Calculate the traffic of your posts and ads

As you already know, there. Therefore, are 2 types of SERP: organic and paid . These types Bosnia and company data coexist, so the first results on a search page include: Organic options derived from. Therefore, SEO strategies. Consultations. Advertisements related to SEM practices. Features added for each option. It is important to emphasize that the composition of the ranking depends on a series of aspects such as the user’s preferences and geographical location .


Know which channel your users come from

Currently, SERPs present 8. Therefore, types of content: Website: For sites to appear in the results, it is important that they have a solid. Therefore, strategy BTC Email List aimed at organic results. Local pages: physical businesses can promote the brand by. Therefore, entering Google My Business for free . Considered very important results, they usually take up considerable space in the SERPs. Social networks: search engines have not yet defined the best way to add social networks to their results. Thus, it is possible that the same result does not appear in 2 different searches.

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