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Read more about how to do this here. In addition actively publish in popular social networks: VK Facebook Instagram and others. A regularly updatd news fed will help build an audience and increase engagement. All of you of course know that the Bank of Russia has postpond the execution deadlines under Regulation No. -P On Requirements for the Protection of Information in the Payment System of the Bank of Russia datd August to the beginning of However credit institutions should now think about how to implement the protection of electronic messages sent to the Central Bank. From the article you will learn what tools R-Style Softlab has providd for this.

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In this regard banking software developers have made the necessary changes in their products relatd to setting up cryptography. Our company has gone further: we have not only transferrd the functionality of the KBR automatd workplace for applying a digital signature to the modules Interbank Settlements RS-Bank V. Maintaining Correspondent Angola Email List Accounts RS-Bank v. and the system for automating interbranch and interbank payments RS-Payments but also creatd a crypto library that can work with ABS of any manufacturer. The Bank of Russia is transferring credit institutions to a new technological scheme for processing payments in which electronic messages will have to be signd not in the Automatd Workplace of the Bank of Russia Client CBR as was the case before but directly in the ABS or a dedicatd system specially designd for this.

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More about everything. What is a solution? In the course of its work the Central Bank exchanges various documents with credit institutions – payment orders requests letters in free form etc. The principle of processing these documents is the same – they are all signd and encrypted. But if earlier this was in charge of the AWP of the CBR now at the direction BTC Email List of the regulator the responsibility for the integrity and immutability of the transmittd data rests with the automatd systems of banks. In our ABS we implementd the functionality for the employee responsible for sending documents to the Central Bank for convenience we will call it AWS.

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