Agencies Debate on News and Challenges in Online Advertising

Agencies Debate on News and Challenges in Online Advertising. At the IV edition of the Agencies Meeting , held on May 19, we had the pleasure of having representatives from five marketing agencies at one of the discussion tables who gave us their personal vision of the news and trends that are being experienced regarding paid advertising on the main platforms. Furthermore, as we will see later, they talked to us about the importance that an advertising agency acquires due to the speed with which the tools evolve and the large number of changes.

Main developments regarding paid advertising in Online Marketing

Main developments regarding paid advertising in Online Marketing. The main novelty on which the four speakers agreed was the trend in audience segmentation . The large platforms, both Google Adwords and Facebook Ads, have demonstrated this year that their main objective is the work of audiences in online advertising. We are not only talking about audiences of clients who have visited our site and for whom we can have data, but also about audiences related to our clients that we can reach to multiply the top people data possibilities of conversion. Companies are increasingly putting themselves in the shoes of the consumer and want specific marketing strategies for each type of customer.

The big question: How can you manage these types of trends in terms of online advertising within the agency

The big question: How can you manage these types of trends in terms of online advertising within the agency. Little by little, new technologies are beginning to appear, such as “salesforce” , which allow BTC Email List us to process customer data, take it to the different advertising platforms and have the possibility of offering segmented and specific advertising for each audience. Google Ad words, for example, allows us to import client emails and soon we will be able to do so with mobile phones to be able to work with what is our audience and, in addition, reach related and similar audiences.

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