6 Examples and creative techniques for customer loyalty with a CRM

6 Examples and creative techniques for customer loyalty with a CRM. This post is not just another list of data and theoretical concepts of CRM’s and customer loyalty techniques that we are all fed up with, me first! For me, building customer loyalty consists of offering the customer the best product and service possible, this …

Debate and Conclusions of SEO companies at the IV Agencies Meeting

Therefore, Debate and Conclusions of SEO companies at the IV Agencies Meeting. SEO is the cornerstone of most online marketing strategies. That is why a space dedicated to this matter could not be missing from the fourth edition of the Agencies Meeting . The prelude to the table was led by. who contributed several important …

Agencies Debate on News and Challenges in Online Advertising

Agencies Debate on News and Challenges in Online Advertising. At the IV edition of the Agencies Meeting , held on May 19, we had the pleasure of having representatives from five marketing agencies at one of the discussion tables who gave us their personal vision of the news and trends that are being experienced regarding …

Marketing ideas and strategies from 15 PRO Marketing DAY speakers

Marketing ideas and strategies from 15 PRO Marketing DAY speakers. Compilation of the best ideas and phrases from all the speakers at PRO Marketing DAY. Therefore, held on April 1, 2017. An annual event that we organize from Aula CM for more than 550 attendees. The best specialists in Spain in SEO. Therefore, digital marketing, …

4 real cases of WPO and optimization of a website in WordPress

4 real cases of WPO and optimization of a website in WordPress. In a situation like the current one where users and Google prioritize the loading speed of web pages. Therefore, you cannot ignore this aspect. To do this, you must optimize your website . Therefore, also known as WPO, and ensure that it is …

The 4 main changes in the marketing and sales market in 2021

In the corporate world, the health crisis caused by. The new coronavirus has been positioned as one of the greatest challenges of recent times , mainly due to its ability to generate rapid and profound changes in the market . In fact, the coronavirus has affected people’s behavior and purchasing habits. As a consequence, organizations …

How to choose the best system for your company

At this point, you must be asking yourself that question, right? Below are three tips that you should keep in mind when choosing the most suitable ERP for your agency. No matter how amazing the system is, it must be connected to your company’s business processes. Therefore, even before looking for this type of solution, …

How does the ERP system work in companies

In short, the ERP system was created to store information about. A company and thus facilitate the work of its employees. After all, the lack of a central language in business makes work difficult considering. That each team or even each member has a different way of working and this can harm communication. Even if …

learn what this system is and what it is for in this complete guide

Have you come to feel that your agency teams are. Not well connected  to each other and to the company’s mission? That the information is disordered and, because of this, the relationship with your clients was negatively affected? If the answer to these questions is “yes”. It is a sign that you need an ERP. …

Improves the corporate image before the client

This advantage goes hand in hand with the previous one, since by increasing the productivity of employees and promoting their motivation, teams dedicated to customer service tend to relate more cordially and carry out their activities more efficiently. Remember, employees dedicated to customer service represent the company to the customer, therefore, it is essential to …