4 real cases of WPO and optimization of a website in WordPress

4 real cases of WPO and optimization of a website in WordPress. In a situation like the current one where users and Google prioritize the loading speed of web pages. Therefore, you cannot ignore this aspect. To do this, you must optimize your website . Therefore, also known as WPO, and ensure that it is the best possible for both users and Google. But how to achieve it?

What is WPO and why should it be done

What is WPO and why should it be done. We can define WPO as website optimization aimed at improving loading times . What it seeks is to reduce. Therefore, the time it takes for the website to show all of its content to users and therefore improve their experience. Why should you job function email list optimize your website. User experience : Users must be offered fast and fluid pages. Therefore, that allow them to navigate the web looking for what they want as quickly as possible. Therefore, because if the page takes a while to load, the user will leave.

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WPO Use Cases

WPO Use Cases. The presentation is fundamentally based on 4 practical cases of web optimization . On the one hand we have the Aula CM case study and on the other hand there are the optimizations of the other three companies that participated in the congress. The tool used to know the status of the web pages was GT Metrix , which is a professional BTC Email List tool, very useful for doing WPO, based on insights from Google Page Speed ​​and Yahoo’s YSlow. With it you can obtain data such as the loading time of the web page, its weight and requests .

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