Gather requirements thoroughly

Creatives create the best material with parameters. Gather requirements  and specific problems to solve. MarcusWorkfrontClick to Tweet Constraints drive genius, according to David Sturt, executive vice. President of OCTanner, an employee recognition and reward solutions company. In an award-winning study of 1.7 million people, he found that “people who create new value at work are often inspired by their constraints.” He explains that constraints provide “a starting point and some blocks to work on – a problem to solve, an innovative twist to uncover, or a person to please.” By providing clearly defined requirements upfront, you avoid frustration once the creative process has begun unless you change the project’s goals, vision, timeline, or scope and pull the proverbial rug out from under the creative. rations to a minimum. 

Close Gather requirements the feedback loop

Most creatives, like the rest of us, aren’t satisfied category email list  with just producing projects. That look good or are well-read. They want the content to do its job. Carry out its purpose. When they know how well or poorly their work is going, they are driven to make tweaks and adjustments to help it succeed.In fact, providing creatives with their performance data has the same effect as defining parameters and guidelines (Step 4). The clearer the challenge, the more they will focus their creativity on overcoming it. Researchers at Harvard University even identified meaningful work progress as the single most important factor for promoting creative and productive performance . Focusing on progress also increases employee engagement. A 2017 Gallup poll found that only of U.S. employees feel “engaged” at work. 

Distractions that feed creativity

Certain types of distraction can contribute to the creative Btc Email List process. My illustration professor was fond of saying, “You can’t make it in a vacuum.” I know some physicists argue the scientific validity of this statement, but it certainly applies to creativity as well. A “good” distraction provides inspiration, gives your hard-working brain a break, and provides material from which to draw inspiration for your next piece of content.Just as rats “would rather roam under floorboards and live in nests of old socks than live in cages,” humans are happier and more productive when given the freedom to define their own creative environments. It’s a target. Knight summed it up. “It allows humans to develop their own space.

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