eCongress Málaga brings together the best e-commerce with the celebration

E -commerce , social media and digital marketing arrived in Malaga on September 10 . He did so at the tenth edition of the eCongress Málaga. Therefore, where the main experts in the sector met to reveal the latest trends in a training day, between 9:00 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. The event took place at …

Snippet’s pillars to transform the digital communication and advertising

Snippet’s pillars snippet continues to drive its growth within the digital communication and advertising sector. Its constant evolution has led the company to increase its prestige, obtaining several awards such as the award for the Best Social Platform and Electoral Campaign in 2019 or the most innovative start-up in 2020. With the aim of discovering …

Epica Awards and VMLY&R challenge agencies to create campaigns

Epica Awards the next edition of the. The only competition in which journalists act as (ruthless) judges of creativity. Already warming up with the “Open for Entries” campaign. And in it. Journalists enjoy more preponderance than ever in a contest whose jury is made up. After all, solely and exclusively of information professionals . Signed …

Assess your chances of ranking in Google

Understanding the ease or difficulty of ranking for a keyword helps you to prioritize the opportunity and set realistic expectations. For a very rough estimate, you can use the Keyword Difficulty score in Keywords Explorer. Keyword Difficulty (KD) score in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer Just don’t rely on this entirely, as it only takes backlinks into …

Competitive Weapon Product Industry Email List Your

Friendship day Thus, the visitor to Competitive Weapon a website, for example, is motivated to constantly interact with the pages , either through clicks or filling out forms. Each of these interactions generates a sense of belonging to the user about the blog and the company and, in general, satisfaction as a result of the …

Reach New Heights in the Product Industry with Email

Well, the Reach New names themselves already give us an idea, don’t you think? The term “static” refers to something that does not move and does not perform any activity. On the other hand, interactivity is related to the dialogue between two parties; in this case, the brand and the consumer. The content that you …

Create a content marketing strategy

Content marketing costs less than traditional. Create a  marketing, but produces nearly three times the number of leads. It’s easy to see why of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their strategy. However, running an effective content marketing program is not an easy task. It requires a skilled team and well-executed processes. Follow …

Gather requirements thoroughly

Creatives create the best material with parameters. Gather requirements  and specific problems to solve. MarcusWorkfrontClick to Tweet Constraints drive genius, according to David Sturt, executive vice. President of OCTanner, an employee recognition and reward solutions company. In an award-winning study of 1.7 million people, he found that “people who create new value at work are …

Lose your productivity and creativity paradigm

The tension between productivity and creativity Lose your is real, but thinking about one or the other is a paradigm that needs to shift. It’s not a zero-sum game. You can be both more productive and more creative. MarcusWorkfront Don’t make productivity and creativity an either/or mentality. Click to Tweet According to Adobe’s State of …