Update your Google Business Profile

If you’ve ever arrived at a restaurant to find it closed despite Google saying it’s open, you already understand the importance of keeping your Google Business Profile up to date. Given that it only takes a few minutes every couple of months, it’s not worth risking bad reviews over. Here are a few things to double-check each time: Opening hours Holiday opening hours (e.g., Christmas) Phone number Products and services there’s an easy way to figure this out. Just search for your topic in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and look at the Parent Topic. This is usually a more popular way of searching for the same thing

Check for other technical issues

Hundreds of technical issues can hurt your site, and they can pop up at any moment. That’s why it’s super important category email list to check for them periodically and fix any major issues that come up. You can do this for free with Site Audit in Ahrefs Webmaster Tools. Just choose the option to run scheduled crawls when setting up your project (weekly or  monthly is fine for most sites). How to schedule crawls in Ahrefs’ Site Audit Site Audit will then crawl your site for 140+ potential SEO issues. It’ll do this periodically according to the schedule you set and send you email alerts about new issues:

Find a primary keyword to target

Each page on your website should target one main keyword. You should do keyword research periodically to find topics to target, but it’s also important to make sure you’re targeting the best keyword each time you publish a new page. For example, let’s say you were writing a post about the best protein powders. There are lots of ways people could BTC Email List search for this, such as: what is the best protein powder best protein supplements best protein shakes Which one of these keywords should be your primary target, if any? Luckily,.

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