Acceptable duplication rate on the page

This is not entirely new to the Google Ads environment. Users of this system are perfectly familiar with other types of campaigns in which ads are optimiz automatically, and the tool adjusts bids or mixes upload advertising elements, such as banners, texts and logos, to find the most effective combinations. We know this model of operation from such formats as smart product campaigns or responsive ads in the search network. However, Performance Max goes a step further within one campaign, it ensures the optimization of advertisements in many channels. This novelty was design as a supplement to campaigns in the search network.

Bas on keywords What does this

Mean in practice Using Performance Max, we create one campaign and with it we can display ads in all places provid by Google Ads, i.e. in the search Mali Business Email List network, display network, YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps or Discover cards. The selection of the best resources for our advertising is done automatically in real time, bas on data collect by the algorithm. How does the Performance Max campaign work Performance Max campaigns are bas on marketing goals that we define in the first steps of creating ads. So we can determine from the very beginning whether the goal of the campaign is to be, for example, target cost per action.

B2B Email List

Or whether we prefer to focus on

The wizard will also ask us to add appropriate materials and specify basic settings. At this stage, you should specify the preferr duration of the campaign minimum weeks and specify the budget, geographic scope of the ads and the group of recipients. In addition, we also ne to provide the system with headlines and descriptions for text and display ads, graphics for Discover and Display ads and on YouTube, company logo, video for YouTube InStream ads, product fe from Google Merchant Center. When we launch the Performance Max campaign, the BTC Email List system takes into account data from all advertising resources, analyzes user.

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