Phrases on the first page of the ranking

Case study filtrybb Case study kompressi. Positioning of stores on PrestaShop and on other platforms differences Positioning of stores operating on PrestaShop is our daily bread. We are currently optimizing over e commerce sites from this platform, and in our almost year history, we have record many successes in the field of positioning on Prest. …

Websites consulting we have chill Fruit Web

Written many times on our blog about the importance of linking in positioning. In his presentation, Miłosz Krasiński reminds about obtaining from journalists, freelancers, etc. The speaker point out that according to him, the topic of the pages is less important, the content itself, with which the link will be link, is more important. I …

What I ve learn by our tricing to a million

To arouse suspicion. Does this mean that one of the tools is not working properly Mostly not. Below we will try to explain where the differences may come from. Discrepancies at the stage of analyzing the number of clicks and user sessions The first differences between Google Analytics statistics and Facebook statistics can already be …

Elements that will strengthen the effects

Run many different formats at the same time. Currently, on the Google website, we can read that beta testing for Performance. Max has been promising, and advertisers who use this campaign are seeing an average increase in conversions of for a similar budget as for separate campaigns for individual formats. That is why Performance. Max …