Information into costs that the client

Here are some of them continuous analysis of phrases outside the TOP , the increase of which by a few positions immiately gives great results regular verification of site, cache, pagespe, i.e. elements that we remember about at the beginning, and over time we look at them less frequently using tools such as Google Search Control, Google Analytics or Screaming Frog. She emphasiz the importance of valuable content after all, external publications also affect sales. Content marketing strategy creat by an algorithm Damian Kielbasa CONTADU The speaker talk about the benefits of using artificial intelligence in planning topics for select keywords.

The algorithm creat by Damian

Rrom Contadu automates semantic SEO, which we have already mention on our blog. Successful Large Site Migrations The Process d angel Duris Basta Kenya Business Email List Digital There was also an English speaking guest. Daniel Duris reassur us that migrating large sites is no different than small sites. He remind the most important steps a ready made checklist written in Excel could be download by every participant of the festival. He outlin the importance of cooperation with developers and that there can always be downturns, for which the client must be prepar. Domain reputation trust rank as one of the most important ranking factors in Google Tomasz Wieliczko Xann.

B2B Email List

Marketing the speaker told about

Example of one of his clients he did not perform any optimization, he only link and invest in a large number of sponsor articles. The site was rising in the visibility rankings. It is hard to expect such a strategy to work for other websites, and the method of achieving such high visibility was not fully present to the listeners. The Devil is in the Details Manual SEO Technical Audit Michal Borzyszkowski Visible In contrast, after the lecture, which jokingly said not to do anything, Michał from Visible enter the stage, who present the most important tasks to be BTC Email List perform during the initial SEO audit. Using a crawler, manual website analysis.

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