What I ve learn by our tricing to a million

To arouse suspicion. Does this mean that one of the tools is not working properly Mostly not. Below we will try to explain where the differences may come from. Discrepancies at the stage of analyzing the number of clicks and user sessions The first differences between Google Analytics statistics and Facebook statistics can already be seen in the way of counting clicks and user sessions. So let s start by explaining these terms. A click is a parameter that sums up all user reactions to a given advertising creation. So if you click on an ad once and then click on it again, Analytics will count it as two ad interactions.

The session in turn shows how many

Users click on the ad Two or more clicks by the same user will be consider by the system as one session, provid that they occur within a time window of Ghana Business Email List minutes. Only when the time interval between clicks is greater, the actions will be consider as two separate sessions. Up to this point, everything is quite simple and it would seem that there is no room for discrepancies in the counts. And yet. Because from what moment can you start counting users who actually react to the ad Google Analytics says that only when the user is on the page to which the ad sends him. After all, he could have accidentally click on the ad and stopp loading or clos.

B2B Email List

The browser tab before the landing

Page had fully load which is hardly an ad success. In the Google Analytics system, such “incomplete” transitions are not count. Facebook, on the other hand, will record each click, i.e. the user s interaction with the ad, even if the recipient does not manage to fully see the landing page or does not leave the Facebook platform at all. It is true that in the Facebook Ads Manager you can measure not only all clicks, but also clicks on that lead outside the platform to the advertiser s website. However, the Facebook system will also count those clicks that did BTC Email List not lead to a full loading of the landing page. What s the conclusion.

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