Send automatic replies to messages containing keywords

The final step is to match content topics based on customer journey stages. This means knowing where your prospects are in the buying process and tailoring your content to their specific needs and interests. For example, let’s say you’re using a SaaS landing page to promote your business. In this case, prospects may be at …

Take a look at the features of the direct module

Google searches all sites through crawling bots. At best, these crawling bots discover the purpose of the page and signal to Google if the content accomplishes the main purpose of the page. So when Google crawls and indexes topic clusters, it discovers common repetitions of topics, key phrases, and keywords. This tells Google that your …

See what’s urgent in your audit dashboard

If your Instagram-based business is thriving, you’re likely receiving tons of direct messages from loyal customers. People don’t like being , so to keep your followers happy, you need to reply to all meaningful inquiries. No one has yet invented a way to extend the day beyond the 24-hour limit. That means you’ll either have …