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In fact the influencer whiten his teeth at the dentist s office. Crypto advertising and the law As you can see the possibilities of crypto advertising are really wide and the creativity of online creators tempt by the owners of various companies to earn money quickly and easily reaches the limit of absurdity. Fortunately Polish and not only law reacts more and more effectively to this type of unethical misleading advertising. An example may be the Act on Combating Unfair Competition and more specifically Art. sec. point of this Act which states that An act of unfair competition in the field of advertising is in particular.

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A statement which while encouraging the purchase of goods or services gives the impression of neutral information. Secret advertising and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection UOKiK also Greece Business Email List fights against the dishonesty of influencers using word of mouth marketing for profit. The tasks of UOKiK include finding and punishing those online and not only creators who act contrary to fair competition i.e. for example they recommend a product or service in the form of whisper and are. However it is important to inform the recipients that they are dealing with an advertisement. Where the article is plac you can add one of the following content.

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Actually paid by companies or agencies do not truthfully label their posts photos or videos as sponsor content. See also Influencers under the microscope of UOKiK the end of surreptitious advertising Crypto advertising and Google – rel sponsor Not only legislators are fighting against surreptitious advertising. The guardian of fairness in the broadly understood issue of advertising and informing recipients that it is the advertisement they are dealing with is also BTC Email List Google. The most popular Internet search engine strives to ensure that network users mark sponsor links as rel sponsor.

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