Expectations so at the end I will gladly show 

Our recommendations Results after half a year and after a year of cooperation Website positioning is effective not only when the target customer is private individuals. Significant sales increases are also ensur in the B B sector, which is well known to one of our clients strima.com. It is a brand that provides enterprises with professional machines for sewing, gluing, cutting and ironing, with which we start cooperation in June. Let s take a look at how her visibility on the internet has chang a year after signing the contract. Strima seo case study About company Strima is a company that has been selling high quality sewing machines from countries for over years.

It provides complete equipment

Service us by the largest companies in the industry. It provid technologies to, among others, projects such as Project Runway or the Art and Réunion Business Email List Fashion Forum in Stary Browar. Thanks to its experience and high standards, it enjoys the trust of its customers, but is still ready to develop and expand its contractor base. Therefore, in order to increase sales, she contact us with an order for the positioning of the company s website on the web. Goals and assumptions At the time of signing the contract, the client s website had a decrease in visibility in the search engine, which also affect traffic and conversions. Therefore, the main goal.

B2B Email List

Was to reverse this trend increase

The website s visibility, especially for difficult phrases, for which the website was rank poorly. The client also want to promote some devices and manufacturers from its offer, so we also select appropriate phrases for these purposes. From the very beginning, the contract is carri out on a consulting basis we do not introduce any corrections on the client s website, but we watch over its positioning and recommend changes that the company implements using its own resources. We prepare detail guidelines regarding both technical issues and content to be includ on the BTC Email List website, we also have regular contact with the client s developer in person, and if necessary.

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